Data center thermal imaging or thermography is very important for different components in your data center. It is a must for all electrical and mechanical systems and should be part of the regular maintenance schedule.
Thermography allows you to detect irregularities in systems before they can become a problem. The following electrical systems should have this performed:
There can be problems in these systems that cannot be detected with the naked eye. Using infrared thermal imaging can prevent equipment failure and unplanned outages and can help detect overloaded circuits or loose connections which can cause degradation.
Thermography also is important role in detecting hot spots in your server racks and network equipment. If these are not detected, these high temperatures can compromise your data center network reliability.
So you can see that using thermal imaging as part of your regular maintenance is really important to keep your data center or server room up and running continuously.
Have you used data center thermal imaging as part of your routine maintenance? If so, tell us what problems were detected that otherwise might have ended up being a huge problem for you.