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Energy Savings and Performance Gains in GSA buildings

Written by Dasha Bushmakin | Jul 26, 2013


Major parts of the U.S. under the summer heat are opting for less cooling. Is that a bad idea? Some opinion leaders believe otherwise.

U.S. General Services Administration has recommended the following strategies:

* Consolidate and reduce the number of printer sand copiers. Provide distributed printer-copier rooms with a 1:25 equipment/user ratio.

* Improve access to daylight in the workplace.

* In summer months, set the ambient indoor temperature to 74°F-78°F. Adjust workplace temperature for the summer months.

* Replace HVAC filters on schedule and with high performance filters. Expired filters reduce indoor air quality and increase building energy use. Implement a plan for HVAC filter replacement, use high-performance filters.

* Upgrade both ambient and task lighting to support how people work.