One of the topics we're frequently asked is "what are zinc whiskers?" This perplexing issue is extremely common and is found in data centers and computer rooms of all sizes.
Kim Otte on Dec 31, 1969
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Tags: computer room air conditioning, CRAC, data center cooling
The size and shape of a data center can impact the ability of Computer Room Air Conditioning (CRAC) systems to adequately cool the heat loads. Larger rooms will typically require a greater number of CRAC units due to limitations on air delivery of the units. So, although a single unit may have the BTU (British thermal unit) capacity to cool a given load, it may be unable to effectively deliver the cool air if the load is spread out in a large room resulting in inadequate data center cooling.
Tags: data center cooling
Data centers and server rooms require large amounts of energy to operate and the push now is to reduce the use of energy in data centers - green initiatives. Additional encouragement is coming from utilities throughout the United States in the form of energy efficiency rebates and incentives.
Tags: data center cooling, data center design, data center energy management
Preventive data center maintenance is one of the key approaches to protecting a facility through detection of potential points of failure before the deficiency initiates a system-wide malfunction, this is key for mission critical facilities. What if the output of your UPS or DC power system was interrupted for even a few seconds? This would cause a huge disruption in your critical load, which in turn could cost your business serious downtime and money.
Tags: data center power
UPS Systems Provide Power Protection for Data Centers - Size them Correctly
Posted by Kim Otte on Oct 19, 2009
A power outage, however brief, can cause most data centers and businesses to grind to a halt. As a result, information, productivity and profit can be lost. Using an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) is the easiest way to provide secure power to protect your mission critical systems.
Tags: data center protection