How Cloud Computing Changes Enterprise IT Economics

Posted by Dasha Bushmakin on Aug 5, 2013

Corporate IT may no longer be cheapest purveyor of application hosting, infrastructure, storage and other services.

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Tags: IT, Cloud Computing, Enterprise, Economics

64% of CIOs Cite Poor End-User Experience as Biggest Management Concern With Cloud Computing

Posted by Dasha Bushmakin on Aug 1, 2013

Cloud providers may need to focus on performance to ensure positive user experiences.

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Tags: Management, Cloud Computing, CIOs, End-User Experience, Concern

Unlocking the Benefits of Cloud Computing For Emerging Economies

Posted by Dasha Bushmakin on Jun 14, 2013

A recent study, Unlocking the Benefits of Cloud Computing For Emerging Economies, Peter Cowhey and Michael Kleeman of UC San Diego states:

“Cloud computing can greatly strengthen small and medium enterprises (SMEs), thereby stimulating job creation.”

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Tags: Benefits, Cloud Computing, Emerging Economies