Originally posted on Data Center Post, July 6, 2015
By Daniel Bodenski, Director of Strategic Solutions, PE, LEED AP
When analyzing the effectiveness of a data center, one of the most critical components to consider is Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE), a metric used across the board by mission-critical facility implementation teams, data center owners and operators, and C-level executives to assess a data center’s current and potential energy efficiency. When used properly, this information can be leveraged to produce a stronger, more efficient mission-critical environment, gain a deeper understanding of competition, and open the door to exploring options for added efficiency improvements such as data center renovations, new builds, or migrations to the cloud or a third-party service provider. In order for a facility to both evolve and adapt to ever-changing industry climates and customer demands, a deep understanding of what lies under the hood is vital to its success, and data center PUE is no exception.
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