Cisco’s Visual Networking Index: Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast Update, 2012–2017

Posted by Dasha Bushmakin on Jun 4, 2013

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Mobile network capacity continues to improve. The number of multiple-device users grows. Cisco’s Visual Networking Index: Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast Update, 2012–2017 reported and forecasted:

  • In 2012
    • 64% of global mobile M2M connections were connected via 2G connectivity, 35% via 3G and 1% via 4G.
    • Mobile data traffic per tablet was 820 MB per month, compared to 342 MB per month per smartphone.
    • Smartphones represented 18% of total global handsets in use, but represented 92% of total global handset traffic.
    • Mobile data traffic per laptop was 2.5 GB per month, up 11% from 2.3 GB per month.
  • By the end of 2013:
    •  The number of mobile-connected devices will exceed the number of people on earth.
  • In 2015
    • Tablets will exceed 10% of global mobile data traffic.
  • By 2017:
    • 41% of global mobile devices and connections could connect to an IPv6 mobile network.
    • 21 exabytes of mobile data traffic will be offloaded to the fixed network through Wi-Fi devices and femtocells each month.
    • There will be 1.4 mobile devices per capita.
    • A 4G connection will generate 8 times more traffic on average than a non-4G connection.
    • Monthly mobile tablet traffic will surpass 1 exabyte per month.
    • Over 4.2 billion devices and connections will be IPv6-capable.

Tags: Cisco’s Visual Networking Index, Global, Mobile, Data Traffic, Forecast Update