During extraordinary events such as the Santa Ana Wind Storm in Southern California, Hurricane Irene and the rare October Snowstorm that hit the Northeast, EEC requires all personnel to be on-call and available to handle multiple emergencies for our critical data center and telecom customers. Take a look at what one of our data center customers had to say about our response during Hurricane Irene:
Tags: Data Center, data center protection, data center disaster
I just saw an interesting article on Computerworld.com "A tale of two U.S. government data center projects" where one project came in on-time and within budget and one went over budget and was late. The moral from the story is that the project that went over budget used the Design-Bid-Build (traditional bid/spec) approach and the one that came in on-time and within budget opted for a design/build approach – where you have a single point of contact and that contact is very familiar with the project from the start and can make any necessary changes fairly quick. Many times, as in the case of the over budget project, when a problem arises you have to negotiate with multiple teams to get things fixed which more often than not results in delays.
Tags: Data Center, data center design
There are a few important questions that facility and data center managers need to ask themselves to make sure they are on the right track in terms of timely and proper computer room air conditioning (CRAC) equipment maintenance; these include: What maintenance needs to be done on the equipment? When? How often?
Tags: Data Center Maintenance, Data Center, CRAC, data center cooling, data center energy management, data center preventive maintenance
Dirty fuel is a fact of life. Even with the development of cleaner burning fuels, contaminants are still a major concern when it comes to fuel systems. Micro-organisms can quickly become a major problem. Colonies of fungus and bacteria feed on your fuel.Commonly known as algae, they spread rapidly in the presence of moisture. They easily spread from one tank to another by riding in the fuel. As these micro-organisms accumulate, they will spread through your data center's generator fuel system and quickly plug the fuel filter. Most end users will simply add a biocide to kill the fungus. While this does kill the bacteria, it does not remove the growth media from the tank. Biocides are also very toxic and cause chemical burns when they come in contact with the human skin.
Don't miss out on this great networking event designed to navigate telecom network operators through the many colocation and connectivity options in and around the NY Tri-State area. Telecom Exchange is designed to grow the neutral playing field and showcase all colo providers, data center providers and local and international network providers that are located in the NY area.
Electronic Environments will have a table at the show, stop by and say hello to Mike Farber and Ed Tarnawski - they will be able to help you with all of your telecom or data center physical infrastructure needs, including design/build, site repair & maintenance, cooling and energy efficiency solutions. EEC has been providing these services to telecom and data centers site for 25 years.
Tags: Data Center Maintenance, Data Center, data center cooling, data center energy management
Tags: Data Center, data center cooling, data center hot spots
I just saw this very interesting article on Information Week regarding a study of outages at U.S.-based data centers by the Ponemon Institute.
Tags: Data Center
As we celebrate 25 years of providing mission critical services to the information technology and telecommunications markets, we would like to thank all of our customers, both past and current, who have helped us reach this significant milestone. We look forward to another 25 years of success and valuable relationships.
Tags: Data Center, data center design, data center generators
Tags: Data Center, data center design