Seattle officials, from The Seattle Office of Sustainability & Environment, want to recycle waste heat from nearby data centers to provide sustainable heat and hot water to buildings.
As companies are looking to improve their data centers, can there be a possibility of building an immortal data center?
Tags: Data Center, Build, retrofitting
Improving the Reliability, Efficiency and Effectiveness of a Vintage Data Center
Posted by Dasha Bushmakin on Oct 15, 2013
Data centers are supporting more users, data and technologies. Platforms must be high-density, efficient and easy to manage.
Tags: Data Center, Efficiency, Improving, Reliability, Effectiveness, Vintage
Yahoo Donates 125 Servers to Howard University, Opens New Data Center
Posted by Dasha Bushmakin on Oct 14, 2013
Tags: Data Center, Servers, Yahoo, Donates, Howard University
Beyond traditional metrics, what are the best ways to track and plan for future data center investments?
Tags: Data Center, Planning, tracking, investments
Here are just a few considerations to think about when considering building a modular data center.
Tags: Data Center, cost, modular
What are the key causes to networks being down? How do downtimes affect companies and what are some key strategies that companies should implement?
Tags: Data Center, costs, Downtime, system, causes, strategies
There is a great variety of rack products. What do surveys show that the users actually want?
Tags: Data Center, Improvements, Racks
Apple’s Prineville, OR datacenter under construction, are looking to buy land for expanding the not completed facility.
Tags: Data Center, Apple, expansion
Most of the music that people listen to today is delivered out of a data center as opposed to a record distribution company’s warehouse. Companies need data center spaces for music-streaming companies.
Tags: Data Center, Music